


Are you Ready to take your Life and Business to the Next Level?

All it takes is ONE decision and ONE action step to get started NOW.

Bespoke Packages

3 Months Serving You:


  • One Hour Deep Private Video Call Coaching Session Once A Week  | 1 on 1 Online
  • Daily Accountability Check-ins (Day & Night)
  • Instant Messenger Service (WhatsApp or Telegram)
  • Private Email Service
  • Social Media Audit & Optimization
  • Deep Dive into utilising AI
  • Actionable Tools & Resources
  • Tracking Your Progress
  • Luxury Gift Care Package (Upon Completion)

6 Months Serving You:


  • One Hour Deep Private Video Call Coaching Session Once A Week |  1 on 1 Online
  • Daily Accountability Check-ins (Day & Night)
  • Instant Messenger Service (WhatsApp or Telegram)
  • Private Email Service
  • Social Media Audit & Optimization
  • Deep Dive into utilising AI
  • Actionable Tools & Resources
  • Tracking Your Progress
  • Luxury Gift Care Package (Upon Completion
  • Potential Monthly Meet In-Person Private Sessions (UK Only)
  • Access to my Professional Network & Community for Collabs / Partnerships

12 Months Serving You:


  • One Hour/30mins Private Video Call Coaching Session Once A Week |      1 on 1 Online
  • Daily Accountability Check-ins (Day        & Night)
  • Instant Messenger Service (WhatsApp    or Telegram)
  • Private Email Service
  • Social Media Audit & Optimization
  • Deep Dive into utilising AI
  • Actionable Tools & Resources
  • Tracking Your Progress
  • Luxury VIP Gift Care Package (Upon Completion)
  • Potential Weekly Meet In-Person Private Sessions (UK Only)
  • Access to my Professional Network & Community for Collabs / Partnerships
  • FREE VIP tickets to ALL of my Speaking Events
  • Added into my Private Inner Circle Mastermind Group vetted for Authentic Servant Leaders


A Heart-Centred Coaching Journey

This isn’t just about achievement – it’s about unearthing the fire within and sculpting a life that resonates with your deepest self. We’ll embark on a collaborative exploration, peeling back the layers to unveil your vision, empower your actions and cultivate unshakeable resilience.

1. Vision | Unmasking the Dreams Whispering in Your Soul

Life | Let’s carve out a quiet space for introspection. Imagine yourself at the pinnacle of fulfilment. What stirs your spirit? What legacy do you long to leave behind? With gentle introspection, we’ll craft a vision board that reflects the yearnings of your heart.

Business | What impact does your work yearn to leave? Do you dream of building a transformative empire or creating a haven that nurtures your unique talents? Together, we’ll unveil the business that embodies your purpose, ensuring success aligns with your deepest values.

2. Strategy | Bridging the Dream to Your Reality with Compassion

We’ll build a personalised path, one that respects your unique pace and energy flow. There will be no rigid schedules, only a rhythm that fuels your spirit and ignites action. We’ll break down your goals into manageable action steps, ensuring each day is a victory lap towards your aspirations.

3. Mindset | Healing the Cracks & Prioritising Mental Fitness Practices

With a spirit of understanding and compassion, we’ll navigate the landscape of your inner world. We’ll acknowledge limiting beliefs that might be holding you back, offering tools and strategies to transform them into empowering truths. Past traumas won’t be ignored; we’ll address them with gentle understanding, creating space for emotional healing and fostering inner resilience for future challenges.

4. Skillset | Sharpening Your Tools & Unlocking Your Inner Genius

We’ll identify the essential skills needed to unleash your full potential. Do you crave unshakeable confidence? We’ll co-create strategies to cultivate self-belief. Feeling lost in the social media whirlwind? Together, we’ll craft a strategy that showcases your unique brilliance. Whether it’s mastering the psychology of sales or building meaningful connections, we’ll equip you with the tools to navigate your path with confidence.

5. Energy | Reclaiming Your Power Source One Step at a Time

We’ll become energy detectives, uncovering the situations and people that drain your motivation. With empathy and understanding, we’ll develop strategies to manage or eliminate these energy-sappers. We’ll explore practices that nourish your unique energy flow, allowing you to create an environment that fuels your passions and allows you to thrive.

| Reminder |

This journey is about YOU. I’m your partner in exploration, your cheerleader in the face of challenges and your confidante on this path to self-discovery. You are the author of your story and within you lies the power to craft a life that resonates with your deepest desires. Together, let’s ignite your spark and illuminate the path to a life you deeply love.

Your Sacred Safe Space | Cultivating Healthy Boundaries for Optimal Wellbeing

Our journey of growth encompasses three distinct yet interconnected realms: Mental, Physical and Spiritual. Each of these spaces requires a unique set of boundaries to nurture your well-being and cultivate a life brimming with meaning. Through ongoing coaching conversations and open communication, we can delve deeper into these areas and establish boundaries that empower your growth and ultimately, lead to optimal Emotional Wellbeing.

🧠 Mental Growth | Guarding Your Inner Sanctuary

Imagine your mind as a serene garden. Boundaries here help you curate the information and experiences that nourish it’s fertile soil. We’ll explore how to set healthy limits on negativity, establish boundaries around mental well-being practices and create a space for focused thinking. This allows you to cultivate a resilient mind that fosters clarity, inner peace and contributes to a foundation for strong emotional health.

🦾 Physical Growth | Honouring & Respecting Your Body

Your body is the vessel carrying you through life’s journey. Healthy physical boundaries involve respecting your body’s needs for rest, movement & nourishment. We’ll explore setting boundaries around food choices, physical activity levels and sleep hygiene. By honouring your body’s unique language, you’ll unlock a deeper connection to your physical self, experience vibrant health & build resilience that strengthens your emotional well-being leading you towards feeling more energised and productive towards your goals.

🕊 Spiritual Growth | Nurturing a Sanctuary for Your Soul

The spiritual realm is a vast and personal space for exploration. Boundaries here help you navigate external influences and forge a connection with your inner essence. We’ll explore how to set boundaries around information overload, create a space for quiet reflection and establish practices that nurture your spirit. By honouring your spiritual needs, you’ll cultivate a sense of purpose, inner peace and a deeper connection to God, the universe or whatever your respected unique beliefs are, all of which contribute significantly to your Emotional Wellbeing.

Creating healthy boundaries isn’t about isolation; it’s about conscious connection. Through open communication, we’ll work together to ensure your boundaries serve your growth, allowing you to flourish in all aspects of your life and achieve Optimal Emotional Wellbeing.